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Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Tribes of the East
Once you've done the above, you can bring up the console by pressing [`]
while playing. Type enable_cheats in the console to activate cheat mode.
You can then use any of the following cheat codes by typing them into
the console:

add_all_spells - gives all spells to currently selected hero.
add_gold # - sets current gold to # and zeroes out other resources.
add_money # - sets all resources except gold to # sets gold to #*1000.
example: add_money 100 gives 100 of all resources 100k gold
clear_money - sets all your resources to zero.
add_exp # - adds # of experience to currently selected hero.
show_hero_mp - shows detailed movement point stats for selected hero
@Win() - win Mission.
@Loose() - lose Mission.
@Dragons () - give all heroes 1000 dragons.
set_hero_luck_morale X Y - sets luck (X) and morale (Y) base values
for current hero, example: set_hero_luck_morale 5 3

show_player_money # - outputs resource quantities of specified player
into console. Allows you to spy on other players.

Категория: Коды к играм | Добавил: Igro (28.09.2008)
Просмотров: 1680 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2 |
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